Jennifer Isely
Massage Therapy/EFT Life Coach

Services & Rates

Swedish Massage

30/60 minutes minutes: $55/$85

Ahhhhh 30 or 60 minutes of pure bliss!  Are you burned out? Irritated?  Need some uninterupted 'me' time?  Then this massage is for you....These calming relaxing massages bring you to a state of calm, peace, and clarity so you are ready to feel yourself again. 

EFT Life Coaching

60 minutes: $90

EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Techniques and is a form of acupuncture, but without the needles! It's a stress reduction technique in the field of Energy Pyschology.  Stress is a response to threats, either actual or perceived.  The cause of all negative emotion is a disruption in the body's energy system.  Not addressed, or blocked, stress may cause health issues, relationship troubles, or financial stagnation.  EFT reduces the stress in the body and allows the body to be restored to its natural calm state, thus alleviating those blocks. Call me for your FREE 20 minute consultation and let's begin to reprogram your belief system that is holding you back!

Pregnancy Massage

60 minutes: $85

Prenatal massage is a marvelous way to reduce stress and tension during this time of your life!   This massage relieves many symptoms due to pregnancy, such as lower back pain, stress on weight bearing joints, and encourages blood and lymph flow.  It also helps relieve depression and anxiety due to hormonal changes during pregnancy. 

How to stop your Self-Sabotaging programming in 90 seconds!

Love your new results by changing your internal beliefs, patterns and behaviors!